
June 22 – Munich / Day 9 Munich was founded in 1158 by Henry the Lion, Duke of Saxony and Bavaria. For many years it was a focal point in the salt trade. Salt was considered “white gold” in many parts of Germany in much the same way cotton was […]

June 22 – Munich

June 19 Buchenwald There is a massive difference between hearing and reading about something and actually setting foot and seeing it for yourself. The power behind the horrors of the holocaust and concentration camps is tenfold compared to the Holocaust and World War II museums I have visited in America. […]

June 19 Buchenwald – Erfurt

June 18, 2016 Danie Blue The morning started differently than the others. Instead of a breakfast at the hostel, our group had nothing planned until 10:30 a.m., so we went out to different cafes in Wittenberg. It was a good cultural experience to learn restaurant manners and etiquette. Afterwards, we […]

June 18 – Torgau

June 15 – Berlin After a restful night in the hostel and a delicious German breakfast, our full day in Berlin began with a bus tour. The clear delineation of the Cold War’s East and West Berlin was evident as we wove through the city streets. Some of the Wall’s […]

Berlin – June 15