About the Odyssey

Join Messiah Senior Youth on “A Secular and Sacred Journey to the Land of Luther.”   

General Information about the Odyssey

Who is going?

This trip is for Messiah Lutheran Senior High Youth. As of Jan 25, thirteen are making preparations to go.  Guiding the travelers on the Odyssey are adult leaders; Pastor Scott Peterson,  Senior Youth Sunday School Teacher Larry Ryan, Senior Youth Director Sue Doubleday, and Lois Graff, Director of Music at Messiah and also First Year Confirmation Instructor.  (Note: Since space is available, this opportunity is also open to Senior Youth at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Huntsville).

What will this Odyssey Involve?

Travel changes a person’s perspective and extends the horizon of understanding about the world.

The Odyssey is a year long journey of discovery and faith that culminates with the trip to Germany.   Since last summer, Senior Youth have attended studies on Martin Luther’s theology, the historical context of his writings, his personal life and have studies the German language.  These activities are meant to prepare the travelers to take best advantage of the trip where they will:

  • Walk and Worship in the footsteps of Martin Luther, where he lived, preached, raised a family and changed the world by answering God’s call.
  • Explore the history and architecture of centuries-old cathedrals, castles,
  • Explore the history and architecture of centuries-old cathedrals, castles, towns and homes.
  • Experience the modern culture of German cities against the backdrop of World War II and the Cold War.
  • Gain insight and understanding of other cultures through fellowship and learning with host families, tour guides and trip leaders.


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